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January National Call Climate & Energy Journalist, Amena Saiyid

January 28 @ 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm EST

Is Cleantech’s future “Clear or Cloudy” under the Inflation Reduction Act?

with Climate & Energy Journalist, Amena Saiyid

National Call & Action Party

January 28

4th Tuesday of the Month

7PM (Eastern) | 4PM (Pacific)

8-8:15PM Action Party

There are understandable concerns for the future of the environment in general, and climate in particular. While it may be too early to know exactly how valid these concerns are, there are meaningful reasons to retain hope. That is an important message for January’s national call. Since it was passed the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) clean energy and cleantech provisions are boosting the economies of mostly Republican-led states, according to a Cipher analysis of Clean Investment Monitor data. Ideally, climate change should be a priority, but practically voters and the general public give priority to economic considerations. Protecting the IRA accomplishes both economic and environmental objectives. Please join us to learn more. A climate and energy journalist with Cipher, Amena will provide you with news and the latest data analysis covering the technological innovations needed to combat climate change and transform our global energy systems.

Stay on for a quick Action Party with the Climate Action Now app. From 8–8:15 (ET) we will provide you with a number of quick, related actions that you can take from your phone. ECA members in 2024 took more than 4500 actions at our National Call action parties! Use the QR code below to connect to the CAN App.



Can’t attend? No problem, register to receive a recording of the call. 

We encourage you to join from your computer the best experience, many of our speakers share slides.


Amena H. SaiyidWashington D.C. Correspondent

Amena Saiyid is a Washington D.C.-based correspondent for Cipher. She is a climate and energy journalist with expertise analyzing the regulatory, legal and legislative impacts on the U.S. energy, chemicals and manufacturing sectors.

Amena has covered the intersection of U.S. policy and the environment for over 20 years, most recently as a Senior Climate and Energy Analyst and Journalist for S&P Global. As a founding member of the team, she reported, edited and analyzed the impacts of global climate policy developments on the financing and installation of clean energy technologies.

Prior to S&P Global, Amena spent 13 years as a reporter for Bloomberg Environment (now energy and environment news with Bloomberg Industry Group), covering EPA appropriations, pipeline safety and hazmat transport, air pollution and more. In between stints with Bloomberg Industry Group, she was an associate editor with S&P Platts (now S&P Global Commodity Insights), analyzing coal, uranium and emissions markets. She also served as a Congressional Fellow at the American Political Science Association and was an editor with Argus Media, covering climate change, air quality and emissions markets.

Amena holds an MA in journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a BS in chemistry from the College of William & Mary.

Get ready for the Action Party from 8-8:15 PM ET with the Climate Action Now (CAN) App.

Download the app now so you are ready for action! Scan the QR code using your phone or find Climate Action Now on your phone’s App Store and use ECA’s code 56 when you set up your CAN account.


January 28
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm EST
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