FutureFlash! Project Sowing a Culture of Peace with the Elders Climate Network
In this holiday season, when people sing of Peace On Earth, I’m inviting my own family — and yours — to tell what this statement means to them. “Recognize that peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are a part.” – The Earth Charter
I want my six grandchildren to know why I care so passionately about the condition our planet is in. I need for them to know that I believe that we can change climate change. I’m telling them about significant moments in my own journey. And I want them to consider their own part in the unfolding saga of how the human family learned to live together in a culture of peace. Together, we are Sowing a Culture of Peace, with the Earth Charter as a guide.