Partner with ECA

See Our Partner Listing
Leslie & Paul from ECA at an event with one of our amazing partners, Moms Clean Air Force

ECA values the contribution of the many organizations working toward the preservation of a livable planet and we believe that collaboration is what will move us more quickly toward that goal.

ECA and its partner organizations support one another in reaching our common goal of addressing climate change.

We believe it is the political will of US and global citizens who will change the course of climate change.  We must work together with our partners in a non-partisan spirit of collaboration. This is our charge and this will be our legacy!

ELDERS CLIMATE ACTION is building a community of partner organizations concerned about climate change. If you are a member of, or know of, an environmental, civic, labor, or faith-based organization committed to this issue, please invite them to join with us to expand our reach and increase our impact.


Collaborative Partnerships

ECA develops Collaborative Partnerships with climate related organizations to fulfill our mission and engage elders in climate action at a national level.  We work with the organization to develop partnership projects that closely align to the vision and core values of ECA. Collaborations include projects, actions and events that are relevant to our membership and have a large geographic scope.


As a National ECA Collaborative Partner, we ask your organization

  • Potentially work with ECA to develop a project or tie into an existing project
  • Share information/data gained through the partnership project
  • Work to cross publicize the project
  • Publicize and encourage your elder members to participate in ECA national actions.
  • Allow us to recognize you as a partner organization on the ECA website, in printed materials and at ECA events.
  • Allow us to include your logo and a link to your organization on the ECA website.
  • If possible, include on your website the ECA logo and a link to our website.


Current ECA Collaborative Partnerships include

  • DearTomorrow  Letters to Loved Ones Project — Helping elders share their reasons for caring about climate change with future generations through a letter writing campaign
  • Environmental Voter Project (EVP)  Elders Vote for the Climate 2018 Project — Helping to mobilize elders to vote for candidates who support climate action.
  • Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) — Partnered with CCL to host ECA meetings/workshops at Regional CCL events
  • Moms Clean Air Force — partnered on a number of “Play ins” at the US Capitol.  *ECA is currently working to develop an intergenerational Collaborative Partnership project with Moms Clean Air Force and National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE)
  • US Climate Action Network – ongoing collaborations within the network


Supportive Partnerships

Supportive Partnerships include organizations that help to promote and share Elders Climate Action.  Supportive Partnerships are often organizations that are working with our local chapters, have supported an Elders Climate Action day event or an organization we want to share with our membership.

We do not partner with for-profit organizations or business who want to sell anything to our members.

As a Supportive Partner, we ask that you:

  • Publicize and encourage your elder members to participate in ECA national actions.
  • Allow us to recognize you as a partner organization on the ECA website, in printed materials and at ECA events.
  • Allow us to include your logo and a link to your organization on the ECA website.
  • If possible, include on your website the ECA logo and a link to our website.

See a list of our Partner Organizations


Partnership Process

If you are interested in partnering with Elders Climate Action, please complete the Partnership Request Form.  All Partnership requests are reviewed and approved by the Partnership Committee.

If you would like to discuss a specific partnership project opportunity please contact us at

Become A Partner with ECA!



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