Directions for #PostForThePlanet Postcard Campaign
Targets: Congress & Governors urging them to support ambitious climate funding
Join us to fill the mailboxes of our Governors and Members of Congress and urge action on the climate crisis. Use postcards from your state and town to help urge action to protect your home and community.
With recent funds designated in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill coming into states we must help ensure that funds go where most needed and we must demand that all school bus funds be used for zero emissions buses. Send a postcard to your Governor and let them know you are watching how the funds will be used.
And we must continue to urge Congress to address the public health and environmental impacts caused by poor air quality and the climate crisis by passing clean air and ambitious climate legislation. Send a postcard to your senator asking them to pass the $550 billion in investments that will cut dangerous pollution and prioritize environmental justice.
1. Purchase postcards with the name of your city/town or create your own and include the message below. Or download and print pre-made postcards here.
2. Send the postcard to your senator. You can find contact information for your senators here
3. Send the postcard to your governor. You can find contact information for your governors here.
4. After sending your postcards, you can also send an email and call your representatives using this link by clicking here.
5. Ask friends or neighbors to join you in writing a postcard!
6. Take a picture with your postcards and send them to us ( or post on social media using the hashtags #PostForThePlanet #HealthyAirIsHealthCare #BreatheAgain
Postcard Script for Senators:
The time to act on climate is now.
Climate change is already affecting us, and over 40% of U.S. residents live with dirty air, which impacts communities of color the most.
Today, 456,000 diesel school buses circulate polluted air, and children in those buses breathe air that is 4X more polluted than the air outside.
Please vote for ambitious climate and health legislation, including at least $550 billion for grid modernization, clean energy, infrastructure, electric vehicles, electric school buses, and energy conservation. Funds should be prioritized to environmental justice communities most impacted.
With thanks from your constituent,
Postcard Script for Governors:
I live in (STATE), and I am a [MEMBER / FRIEND] of [ORGANIZATION OR FAITH COMMUNITY]. I am writing because the time to act on climate is now.
Significant funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill will be under your jurisdiction as Governor. I urge you to use these funds in accordance with the Justice 40 goals to invest at least 40 percent of all climate-related funding in disadvantaged communities. All of the clean school bus funds should be used for electric school buses to reduce air pollution that all children breathe.
With thanks from your constituent,
Thanks for making your voice heard!
download and print pre-made postcards here.
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