Virginia Chapter

Founded in 2021, the Virginia Chapter of Elders Climate Action (ECA) brings together elders throughout the Commonwealth who care about Earth and its future. We are a nonpartisan group of activists and advocates committed to combating the climate crisis and building a just and sustainable world for future generations. 

Our goals include educating and energizing ourselves and others and advocating for legislative change at the local, state, and national levels. Recent Chapter activities include:

    • Meeting with members of the Virginia General Assembly to support climate change legislation
    • Conducting climate change outreach at Earth Day celebrations
    • Protesting the decision to withdraw Virginia from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and demonstrating against banks that fund fossil fuels
    • Writing postcards encouraging environmentalists to vote
    • Speaking with students and community groups about climate change

Since our members live in different communities across Virginia, we meet by Zoom on the first Thursday of the month from September through June. At those sessions, we share updates about climate advocacy, upcoming events, and developments in Virginia and conduct chapter business.  

Many meetings feature guest speakers who discuss climate issues of concern in our state or nationwide. Recent speakers, for example, included the executive director of the Environmental Voter Project, a home energy consultant, a pro-environment member of the US House of Representatives, and a co-founder of the Virginia Data Center Reform Coalition.

Want to make a difference in fighting climate change? We hope you’ll join us! 


Virginia ECA leadership team (L to R) Gary Usrey, Markie Harwood, and Sandy Cleva



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